If Allah helps you, there is none to overcome you. And if He abandons you, then, who is there to help you after that? In Allah the believers should place their trust.(3:160)
Muhammad is not a father of any of your men, but he is a messenger of Allah and the last of the prophets.(33:40)

Parameters Of The Progress Of Muslims And Non-Muslims

Parameters Of The Progress Of Muslims And Non-Muslims

The parameters of the progress of Muslims and the parameters of the progress of Non-Muslims are different. Umar bin Khatab RA said ”Allah gave us glory by Islam, if we seek glory in anything other than Islam, Allah will disgrace us.” It clearly means that Muslims cannot be developed through the methods of the Non-Muslims.

What are the Parameters of the Progress of Muslims?

As long as the Sahabah were in power, Islam flourished and Muslims were at the peak of their power. The Era of Khulafa e Rashideen(Abu Bakar Siddique RA, Umar RA, Usman RA, Ali RA, and Hassan RA) was established exactly with the methods of the Quran and Sunnah, and history is witness to how Islam flourished in that era. Romans and Persian Empires trembled with fear of the just name of Umar bin Khattab RA but a poor or common man had access to ask Questions from Umar bin Khattab RA but now we can not ask questions from ruler.

Muslims were respected by all religions, and people used to accept Islam after seeing them, but now no one can accept Islam by seeing us because we are not following the exact Islam. There were some rises and falls after the martyrdom of Usman RA in the era of Ali RA because of Ijtehadi mistakes of Ameer Muawiya RA but after Hassan RA reconciled both sides i,e Ali RA and Muawiya RA a new era started, it was not Khilafat but Kingship. Islam still progressed under the leadership of Ameer Muawiya RA but it was not ideal Govt.

After his RA death cruelty started by his son and subsequent rulers until Umar bin Abdul Aziz became Khalifa. Umar bin Abdul Aziz(R) established the same system as in the era of Khulafa e Rashideen, in just 2.5 years, he made 3 continents prosperous. After him, many rulers came and went but none were ideal, rather, many rulers had committed great injustice and a few were good.

Parameters of the Progress of Muslims

Muslims can progress if they establish the same system in their states as Abu Bakar RA and Umar RA established in their era no doubt Usman RA, Ali RA, and Hassan RA were also Khulafa e Rashid but we saw that Usman RA was very kind, and extraordinarily soft and his softness became the reason for his martyrdom. Due to the fighting among Muslims, Ali RA and Hassan RA were not allowed to rule properly as we read the personality of Ali RA, he could rule as Umar bin Khatab ruled the state.

The lives of Sahaba RA and Ahlul bait RA are a lesson for us their mistakes are also lessons for us, Allah is pleased with them(All Sahaba & Ahlul Bait), their good deeds are a lesson for us we must have do the same, their mistakes also lessons we must have to avoid these things.

It was narrated by Hudhaifah bin Yaman, The Messenger of Allah SAW said: I do not know how long I will stay among you, so follow the example of these two after I am gone,’ and he pointed to Abu Bakr and Umar. (Sunnan Ibn Maja 97)

Muslims left Islamic Sharia, the progress of Muslims stopped and they became overwhelmed till now Other Religions left their Sharia, and they started progressing & dominating.

What are the Parameters of the Progress of Non-Muslims?

The Progress of Non-Muslims depends upon the Muslims if they obey Allah then no progress for Non-Muslims and if they disobey Allah the progress of Non-Muslims starts. Allah Empower His Enemies when His Believers disobey to Him & Punish His believers from His Enemies.


If Muslims want progress establish the same system in their states as Abu Bakar RA and Umar RA established in their era.

If Non-Muslim want progress stop Muslims from establishing the same system in their states as Abu Bakar RA and Umar RA established in their era.

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