Mercy And Punishment For Muslims
Allah has fixed the parameters of Mercy and the parameters of Punishment and Allah never punishes His slaves without reason. As Allah mentions in the Holy Quran, ”When your Lord declared, “If you express gratitude, I shall certainly give you more, and if you are ungrateful, then My punishment is severe.”(Surah Ibrahim 7)”
“Indeed we belong to Allāh, and indeed to Him we will return.”(Al Baqara 156). Everything in the entire universe was created by Allah and everything or creatures that Allah created must have some purpose. Humans are the best creations of Allah, He gave man wisdom, consciousness, and free will, allowing them what they want to do on earth if they do good deeds they will get the reward, if they do bad deeds then hell. Humans have the ability to think, understand, and change things, but animals do not have these abilities they have just consciousness of survival.
Allah gave the Muslims and the nations that came before them a constitution that describes ”how to live on earth?” Before the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the children of Israel were a very blessed nation of Allah. As now Muslims called believers of Allah before the Prophet Muhammad SAW Bani Israel was the believer and the Pharaoh of Prophet Moses AS’s times was the enemy of Allah but Allah had Empower Pharaoh and Overwhelmed the Bani Israel because they began to disobey to Allah, then Allah Punish them from Pharaoh.
And when they started following the Prophet Moses AS then Allah blessed them. After Prophet Moses AS, Bani Israel again began to disobey Allah then Allah punished them two times from His enemies. Allah Empowers His Enemies when His Believers disobey to Him and Punishes His believers from His Enemies. Here are some Verses of the Holy Quran for better understanding.
Surah Al Isra(Bani Israel) Verses 4 to 8↓
”And We declared to the children of Isrā’īl in the Book: “You will surely spread mischief on the earth twice, and you will surely show utmost haughtiness. So, when came the time appointed for the first of the two, We dispatched against you some servants belonging to us having strong aggressive power, who combed through the houses; and it was a promise, bound to be fulfilled. Then We gave you your turn to overpower them, and increased your strength with wealth and sons, and made you greater in number,
(saying) ‘If you do good, you will do it for your own benefit, and if you do evil, it will be against yourselves’. Later, when came the time appointed for the second, (We sent others,) so that they spoil your faces, and so that they enter into the Mosque as the former ones entered it the first time, and utterly destroy whatever they prevail upon. May be your Lord would bestow mercy upon you. But if you do this again, We shall do that again, and We have made Jahannam (Hell) a prison for the disbelievers.””
The first event most probably is that of the invasion of Nebuchadnezzar, the tyrant of Babylon. It took place in the days of the prophet Jeremiah (A.S) who tried his best to bring his nation to the right path, but all in vain. Finally, in 587 BC. Nebuchadnezzar, the emperor of Babylon invaded Jerusalem, demolished Bait-ul-Maqdis (Jerusalem), annihilated a large number of the Israelites and took others to Babylon as captives. The Israelites learnt a lesson from these events and corrected themselves. After a long period of exile, Cyrus, the emperor of Persia conquered Babylon and allowed the Israelites to rehabilitate themselves in Jerusalem and to rebuild Bait-ul-Maqdis (Jerusalem).
As for the second event, it may possibly refer to the invasion of Antiochus Epiphanes, the Greek tyrant who invaded Jerusalem in 175 BC when the Israelites went back to their misdeeds, and were subjected by him to the similar fate as they suffered at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar. According to other exegetes, the second event mentioned by the Qur’an is the one that took place in 70 AD at the hands of Titus, the Roman emperor who captured Jerusalem and subjected the Israelites to a horrible massacre and demolished Bait-ul-Maqdis (Jerusalem).
It was the Mercy and Punishment for the Children of Israel and a lesson for Muslims because now they also disobeying Allah. Currently, there is not a single Muslim country in which the complete constitution of Allah is implemented. There were also many worshipers in Bani Israel same as now here are many worshipers in Muslims but Allah also demands that implement His constitution.
As long as the Sahabah were in power, Islam flourished and Muslims were at the peak of their power. The Era of Khulafa e Rashideen(Abu Bakar Siddique RA, Umar RA, Usman RA, Ali RA, and Hassan RA) was established exactly with the methods of the Quran and Sunnah, and history is witness to how Islam flourished in that era. After Khulafa e Rashideen, Umar bin Abdul Aziz(R) established the same system as in the era of Khulafa e Rashideen, in just 2.5 years, he made 3 continents prosperous. After him, many rulers came and went but none were ideal, rather, many rulers had committed great injustice and a few were good.
Today we are seeing that all technologies and progress are in the hands of Non-Muslims, but the reason for this is that even though Muslims have the constitution of Allah, they do not want to implement it in fact they want progress like Non-Muslims in their ways but Allah said in Surah Al Imran 149, 150 ”O you who believe, if you obey those who disbelieve, they will make you turn back on your heels, then you shall turn into losers. Instead, Allah is your Lord, and He is the best of all helpers.”
If Muslims had not abandoned the constitution of Allah, they would have all the technologies and progress that are currently in the hands of Non-Muslims. If we implement Allah’s law even today, Allah will have mercy on us, and if not then Allah empower His enemies and they will continue to punish us.
If you want Allah’s mercy, then implement the constitution of Allah as Khulafa e Rashisdeen RA implemented in their era otherwise punishment is severe.